Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nico Turns One!!


Zoom Zoom!! Can't wait 'til I'm big enough to go really fast!!

Hmmm -- what's for lunch?? (Looks like lots of vegetables . . . )

New Year's Eve . . . and kick ball!!

I crashed pretty early . . . no late night parties or champagne! Playing always wears me out!! How do you like my Rolling Stones t-shirt?!

Swiffer TIme!

I like to help swiffer mostly because I get to practice walking!!

Can you hear me now?

Friday, January 1, 2010

12/25: The Big Day!! (Everyone wore Santa hats!)

12/23: Countdown to Christmas with Charu!! (Look at my blue kitty that Charu made for me!!)

Charu also got me a cool keyboard so I can make music and learn!! Here I am testing one of Charu's new mixing bowls with my new tooth - it makes a clicking sound!!